Monthly Archives: September 2012

Back at White Rock

It’s been way too long since I posted here but, then again, we’ve been pretty busy with life. Since my last Post in January I’ve been living in temporary digs here in Dallas while Sharon stayed in S-Port. We were waiting for our renter to move out of the house. Once that happened we packed up a big moving van and headed West. Now we’re back in the townhouse unpacking boxes and trying to get ourselves settled.

I did manage to make one small race last weekend – the annual Trinity River Challenge. They offered 12 mile and 20 mile races and I opted for the shorter one. For both races the deal is that you go up the Trinity River half way, turn around, and come back. Before I reached the finish line one of the 20 mile racers passed me. The guy averaged over 7 miles per hour for 20 miles while I struggled to make 4mph for my 12 miles. I hadn’t been in the boat since last October and the old body could tell. I did finish somewhere in the middle of the pack overall but no where near the top three in the sea kayak division. I took third place in the Senior division (60 and over) and, of course, my number one son felt obligated to point out that there were only three seniors in the race anyway. Thanks, kid.

But, I managed to finish the race in time for the bar-b-que and we spent some time visiting with the members of the Dallas Downriver club. They’re a great bunch and I look forward to getting involved with them, especially meeting them on their regular Thursday evening paddle around White Rock Lake.

So, what’s the racing schedule for 2013? I honestly don’t  know where I’m headed but have ruled out another MR340 or Tour du Teche. As much as I’d like to take another shot at them I think I’ll use my limited vacation time for, well, a vacation. Right now I’m thinking about the Texas Hill Country and the CR100 as the big one for 2013. This is a one day event covering 100 miles of the Colorado River in late August / early September. It’s an easy drive down from Dallas on Friday and back on Sunday. If  you’re up for a weekend in the hills, I’ll see you at the starting line in Bastrop, TX!

Until then I’ll concentrate on getting back in shape. My arms felt like lead at the six mile turn around point and it was a struggle to finish all 12. Can’t believe I was doing 70+ miles a day just a year ago! So, I guess the training for the CR100 starts now.
